My Timelapse Pi rig
I wanted a quick way of setting up the unit, framing the shot and then starting the timelapse capture process, so I used a FTF touchscreen with tactile buttons.
Here are a couple of test movies I made while in Cornwall for my hols.
Sunset at Godrevy Lighthouse
Carbis Bay for a day
Here's a brief description of how I've set it all up.
The tactile buttons perform the following tasks:
Button 1 (left) [pin 23]: Power off/On
Button 2 [pin 22]: Blank the screen
Button 3 [pin 27]: Start the timelapse shoot
Button 1 [pin 18]: Activate the camera
Putting this all together was fairly simple, following the excellent Adafruit instructions for getting the PiTFT working and building a Pi touchscreen camera.
I then used some simple Python to add functions to the buttons. These 3 scripts are all run from /etc/rc.local
Button 1
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import os
GPIO.setup(18, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
prev_input = 1
while True:
input_state = GPIO.input(18)
if (input_state == False) and (prev_input):
print 'button pressed ' + str(input_state)
os.system("python /home/pi/adafruit-pi-cam-master/")
prev_input = input_state
Button 2
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import os
GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
prev_input = 1
while True:
input_state = GPIO.input(22)
if (input_state == False) and (prev_input):
if os.path.isfile("/sys/class/gpio/gpio252/value"):
file = open("/sys/class/gpio/gpio252/value",'r')
gpio252 =
if gpio252.rstrip('\n') == '0':
prev_input = input_state
Button 3
import RPi.GPIO as GPIOThis calls another Python script that checks to see if a photo shoot is already in progress and, if not, starts the Timelapse bit.
import time
import os
GPIO.setup(27, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
prev_input = 1
while True:
input_state = GPIO.input(27)
if (input_state == False) and (prev_input):
print 'button pressed ' + str(input_state)
prev_input = input_state
#!/usr/bin/pythonAnd finally, the actual Timelapse Python:
import commands
import time
from subprocess import call
pros = commands.getoutput('ps -A')
if 'timelapse' in pros:
print 'not running another'
import serial, time, sys
import picamera
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
camera.resolution = (1280,720)
#for filename in camera.capture_continuous('img{counter:03d}.jpg'):
for filename in camera.capture_continuous('/home/pi/Timelapse/img{timestamp:
print('Captured %s' % filename)
For outdoors power I use an RS Power Bank which gives around 2.5 hours of operation on a full charge.
If I need to reconfigure anything (for example, alter the frequency with which photos are taken) I connect my Android mobile via USB tethering. I've found that using ConnectBot as the ssh client (with the invaluable Hackers keyboard also installed) provides a great way to gain access without having to lug a keyboard around.
If I need to reconfigure anything (for example, alter the frequency with which photos are taken) I connect my Android mobile via USB tethering. I've found that using ConnectBot as the ssh client (with the invaluable Hackers keyboard also installed) provides a great way to gain access without having to lug a keyboard around.
Finally, I also have a tin with an appropriate hole for the lens, in which I can put the whole kit and caboodle if it looks like its going to rain!
Hello Richard,
ReplyDeleteWhat is that black cable connecting to the headphone jack holding the camera in position? Seems very handy.
ReplyDeleteI´m trying to do something similar but without a screen. I connect to the raspberry with my mobile using USB tethering and ConnectBot. Like this I can launch the python script.
I want to take a test photo and transfer it to my mobile to see if I am pointing the camera appropriately. Any ideas how to do this?
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